Special Prayer for Amelia

October 3, 2012

As many of you may know, Amelia Tircuit is part of our school, church, and daycare family.  Amelia attends the Child Development Center, and her two big brothers, Landon and Jaxson attend SCA.  Amelia has recently been diagnosed with A.L.L. leukemia and is being treated at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN.  As you can imagine, this is an extremely difficult time for the Tircuit family.

Update 4/3/2013:  Praise God!!  Amelia has been home for some time now, and is doing well.  She has even been able to join us at church!  She is continuing chemo treatments in Baton Rouge, with visits to St. Jude in between.  Please continue to pray for Amelia and her family.
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